A couple weeks ago I found a vitage lamp on craigslist and really liked the shape of it. The tan color, though, not so much, but at $5 the price was right. I was inspired by a "before & after" posting on design*sponge's blog and thought - HEY! I can do that!
It still needs a new lamp shade, but for now it is doing a fine job of illuminating a dark corner of the living room. The blue is the after.
Justin's dad visited this weekend and we were also able to finally wire up the pendant light I wrote about in this post.
Little by little we are getting there! We're working on kitchen paint colors, too. You can see the swatches I tried out this weekend on the upper right part of the wall. Not crazy about either of them, but I think we are getting closer.
It's going to look so pretty with the corner bench Justin is planning to build. I'm still on the hunt for two chairs that would finish off the area, and I'm sure that with enough patience I'll find something that will fit.
I'm starting to worry that everything is blue or orange or white in the house and I need some additional accents!