Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yay Yardwork!

Today I really felt like a home owner.

This morning we cleared out a little bit more brush in our backyard in efforts to improve our water views. And that plus everything that was ripped out of our front lawn last weekend made for 3 trips to the brush dump. Thankfully mom let me borrow the truck.

On the way home from the the dump we went to Home Depot. That's when it started to sink in that I actually own a home.

.Justin also tried out his new lawn mower today. I wanted him to get a push one that doesn't use gas, but since he'll probably be doing most of the mowing I didn't press the issue.

I really love the smell of fresh cut grass.


Debbie Shanks said...

Uncle Rick says, "Nice shorts Justin." It is always cool to mow your own lawn. I agree, the smell of fresh cut grass is wonderful. There is nothing that says summer better than the smell of fresh cut grass.
Love the updates, keep them coming.
Watch out for the Home Depot runs, they can be a dangerous as HGTV ha. Uncle Rick says that this will soon turn into your Saturday night dates-dinner and Home Depot ha
Aunty Deb and Uncle Rick

Lori Jane said...

I love reading your comments!! I think we have been to either Home Depot or Lowes every night since we moved in. And you're right! Those trips are nearly as dangerous as the inspiration on HGTV!!! I'm all about making lists lately for our Home Depot runs - and trying to stick to them!!

Elaine said...

Hey There
Looks like you two are really into home ownership. The house looks great how about a picture of that water view before and after the clean up.
Love being able to follow your progress!!!
